It would seem that a any athletically inclined, creative type could dream up thousands of relatable sports topics in seconds. A writer should be able to easily fill the new Yankee Stadium with ideas. If there isn't, there should be a phrase in cliche cyberspace that goes something like, “There is always room in the world for one more good sportswriter?” Unfortunately, some days, some of us don't think so good, and the idea train is stuck in Des Moines.
This is when it is time to take the blunt end of the shovel to the blunt end of the brain and dig.
After failing to glean any great topics from the midweek events in between the Super Bowl and baseball’s opening day, also known as the basketball and hockey regular seasons, I had to work a little harder than usual (not much harder mind you) to create questions that only I would be brave, funny and genius enough to answer. The result, “What is the funniest thing I have seen in sports?”
The answer then became so obvious, it’s embarrassing. The funniest thing in sports is Oscar Gamble’s seventies afro on his baseball card. This quickly reminded me that I needed to buy baseball cards for the 4, 5 and 6 year olds that come to me like grasshoppers to the sansei for enlightenment three times a week. Then finally, a topic worthy of the memory of a writer and his laptop materialized: baseball cards.
Like the Tonight Show: More to Come:
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